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BISCAROSSE 17 at 20 July

road festival of stars

On the esplanade of the site Latecoère by the lake of Biscarosse the 18éme road festival of Stars invites you to discover the magic world of the circus(cirque) comtemporainColored atmosphere where the...

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BISCAROSSE 17 at 20 July

road festival of stars

On the esplanade of the site Latecoère by the lake of Biscarosse the 18éme road festival of Stars invites you to discover the magic world of the circus(cirque) comtemporainColored atmosphere where the...

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SANGUINET 23 at 26 july

Jazz festival

16éme edition(publishing)The jazz under all its facets (classic, gipsy, swing, afro - boat, soul) allying tradition and modernity22 concerts among which free 18, 140 musiciansTribute to Ray Charles...

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SANGUINET 23 at 26 july

Jazz festival

16éme edition(publishing)The jazz under all its facets (classic, gipsy, swing, afro - boat, soul) allying tradition and modernity22 concerts among which free 18, 140 musiciansTribute to Ray Charles...

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MORCENX 17 at 19 july

festival de la Haute Lande

Big folk festival with the group lous cigalounsThe soul of the people it is the folkloreHe(It) redraws the history(story) of peopleIt is the inheritance of our ancestors,To deny him(it), it is to lose...

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